Thursday, February 28, 2013
Second honeymoon on Mars! A married couple is being sought to represent humanity on the first manned mission to Mars to be launched in 2018. US millionaire tycoon Dennis Tito, who in 2001 became the first space tourist, has launched an ambitious project to send two civilians on a historic 501 days return journey to the Red Planet in January 2018. Tito has unveiled the plan to launch the first manned mission to Mars in 2018, a voyage that could include an adventurous married crew, '' reported. Tito announced the private Mars voyage plan here yesterday. The project aims not to land people on the surface of the Red Planet, but to take advantage of a rare planetary alignment that would allow a relatively easy, quick flyby around the Mars. Tito hopes to choose a space capsule and rocket from among those already on the market, and modify them to carry two people to Mars and back in 501 days. And to combat the loneliness and isolation that would doubtless set in during such a mission, Tito is proposing something that has never been tried before: sending one male and one female, preferably a married couple. "When you're out that far and the Earth is a tiny, blue pinpoint, you're going to need someone you can hug," Tito said. "What better solution to the psychological problems you're going to encounter with that isolation?" The mission is designed to capitalise on a launch opportunity that opens in January 2018. "There are rare opportunities to actually go out to Mars and come back in a relatively short time, about 1.4 years, or 500 or so days," Tito said. "If one misses those opportunities, then typical flight times would be two to three years," he said. Though Tito admits the plan faces numerous challenges, he says it's doable. "I've seen others come out with fantasy missions that in no way will actually occur. I didn't want to fall into that," he said.
Super rich tax,other proposals to swell exchequer by Rs 18K cr
New tax proposals including 10 per cent surcharge on super rich and higher duties on mobiles, cigarettes and SUVs will help government garner Rs 18,000 crore in 2013-14.
Finance Minister P Chidambaram in his budget speech today said, "My tax proposals on the direct taxes side are estimated to yield Rs 13,300 crore and on the indirect taxes side Rs 4,700 crore." As part of budget proposals for direct taxes, the Finance Minister imposed a surcharge of 10 per cent on persons (other than companies) whose taxable income exceeds Rs 1crore.
Besides, surcharge has been doubled to 10 per cent on domestic companies whose taxable income exceeds Rs 10 crore. For foreign companies, surcharge has been raised from 2 per cent to 5 per cent, if the taxable income exceeds Rs 10 crore. These additional surcharges would be in force for only one year. However, education cess would continue at 3 per cent. At the same time, the Finance Minister has provided tax relief of Rs 2,000 for the Tax Payers in the first bracket of Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh. With regards to indirect taxes, the Finance Minister proposed raising excise duty on SUVs from 27 per cent to 30 per cent while on mobile phones priced above Rs 2,000 it has been raised to 6 per cent from the current 1 per cent. Cigarettes will cost more as specific excise duty increased by about 18 per cent. Similar increases are proposed on cigars and cigarillos.
The next big smartphone accessory: your car
Automobile giants at the world's biggest mobile fair are showing off a new technology that turns a car into a smartphone accessory, allowing a driver to use cutting-edge apps without veering off the road. Called MirrorLink, and adopted by 85 big manufacturers from Ford to General Motors, Chrysler, Nissan, Honda, Hyundai, BMW, VW, Fiat or Renault, it connects a smartphone and car entertainment system with a two-way audio, video and data link. "People are using their smartphone applications and services 80 per cent of the time. The other 20 per cent when they are not using them is when they are in the car," said Jorg Brakensiek, technical coordinator for the Car Connectivity Forum. "For the driver there is no really safe mechanism for the driver to do that," he told AFP at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. MirrorLink requires a compliant car entertainment system and a smartphone with the software, which can be downloaded. Drivers then can access their favourite apps. The apps must meet legal requirements for screens that face drivers, for example the text must be a certain size and some functions such as typing must be disabled while the car is moving. "The basic assumption is that the phone comes with the application," said Brakensiek. "You use the car as an accessory." Eventually, the MirrorLink technology will feed other data from the car to the smartphone, such as speed, location and even weather. That information can be used to develop new applications or improve other services, such as traffic news. The Car Conectivity Forum, which groups nearly all car manufacturers, was set up to develop the technology two years ago. The first MirrorLink compliant car entertainment systems have been released by the likes of Sony and JVC, for installation into existing vehicles. The next step will be for manufacturers to build them into cars before sale. The new technology avoids problems posed by the "smart car" in which manufacturers weld a SIM card into a vehicle so as to offer driver services such as navigation, SOS response and door unlocking, as well as paid-for entertainment. One challenge is that the SIM card built into the car ties the owner to one operator for the car's life -- up to 15 years. To overcome this, car makers are trying to agree on a standard way to program the SIM card by remote.

When it comes to usage of words in the budget speech, terms like women, youth and investors grew in count from the last year levels, when Finance Minister P Chidambaram presented the annual accounts of the country's economic health today.
Words like inflation, deficit, investment, jobs and poor also found larger number of mentions in this year's budget speech, while words like crisis, slowdown, problems, uncertainties, and surprisingly growth, declined in the count.
Presenting the Union Budget for 2013-14, Chidambaram mentioned the word 'women' as many as 24 times -- most of which were during his proposal for setting up a 'Women's Bank'.
The Finance Minister said that many banks had women as their heads, but no bank exclusively served women. He proposed a public sector bank that would lend mostly to women and women-run businesses, employ predominantly women and work for gender-specific empowerment and financial inclusion.
The word 'women' had found a mention eight times in the budget speech of last year.
Chidambaram said that women, youth and poor today represent the vast majority of people in India. The words 'poor' and 'youth' found five and seven mentions respectively in today's speech -- both marking an increase from last year.
Among economic terms, the word 'investment' was used 36 times, while 'investors' and 'growth' found 18 and 19 mentions respectively.
The count of the word 'deficit' was at 14, while those of crisis and slowdown were two and one respectively. The usage of deficit rose from 13 last year, while that of crisis and slowdown fell from eight and three, respectively. The growth was also mentioned a larger number of 25 times last year.
In last year's budget speech, delivered by then Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, the words like 'crisis', 'slowdown', 'growth' and 'challenges' had grown in count.
In the beginning of his speech, Chidambaram also mentioned that Indian economy was navigating through a crisis that has enveloped the whole world and spared none.
However, he ended his speech in a positive tone, quoting Swami Vivekananda as saying: "All the strength and succour you want is within yourself. Therefore, make your own future."

Following is the table of the impact of changes in income tax provisions proposed by Finance Minister P Chidambaram in the Budget for 2013-14. These include a tax relief of Rs 2,000 on income between Rs 2 lakh and Rs 5 lakh, and 10 per cent surcharge on income above Rs 1 crore.
(Individual Tax Payers)
1. Up to Rs 2,00,000 NIL NIL
Rs 2,00,001 to Rs 5,00,000 10 per cent Rs 2,000 (Savings)
Rs 5,00,001 to Rs 10,00,000 20 per cent NIL
Rs 10,00,001 to Rs 1 crore 30 per cent NIL
Above Rs 1 crore 30+10% surcharge 3% burden
2. (For Senior Citizens of 60 years but less than 80 years)
Up to Rs 2,50,000 NIL NIL
Rs 2,50,001 to Rs 5,00,000 10 per cent Rs 2,000 (Savings)
Rs 5,00,001 to Rs 10,00,000 20 per cent NIL
Rs 10,00,001 to Rs 1 crore 30 per cent NIL
Above Rs 1 crore 30+10% Surcharge 3% burden 3 (Very Senior Citizens of 80 years and above)
Up to Rs 5,00,000 NIL Rs 2,000 (Savings)
Rs 5,00,001 to Rs 10,00,000 20 per cent NIL
Rs 10,00,001 to Rs 1 crore 30 per cent NIL
Above Rs 1 crore 30+10% Surcharge 3% burden
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Country's business climate has improved in February on account of robust production and government's reform initiatives, and the economy should return to a strong growth path by end of 2013-14 if current trend persists for a few more months, a new report says. The BluFin Business Cycle Indicator (BCI), that reflects various macroeconomic trends on a monthly basis, stood at 170.4 points in February, 4.2 per cent higher compared to the same month last year. The improvement suggests that the economy is growing at a faster rate than the previous year. Historically, the BCI has grown by an average of seven per cent year-on-year, financial information provider BluFin said today. Moreover, BCI has been indicating a reversal in the economic slowdown since July 2012 and expects that economic growth in India to gather momentum by the second quarter of 2013-14 financial year. "The key factors leading to the strong improvement (in February) were increasing foreign trade, rising production of intermediate goods, moderating international metal prices and policy reforms leading to shrinking expenditures, rising revenues and lower government borrowing," the report said. Additionally, indicators such as tourism and earnings from railway freight traffic have also shown a significant improvement compared to the same time last year. However, domestic air travel and a weak currency has impacted the growth. The index takes into account five broad areas - capital markets, foreign trade, policy, real economy and survey. "The sluggish upmove of the last few months is now turning into a genuine uptrend. BCI is suggesting that the long downtrend in Indian growth is close to an end. The Budget will obviously decide the next big move - but the BCI for February is strongly suggestive of a growth budget," BluFin Senior Advisor Surjit Bhalla said. "If the current BCI trend persists for a few more months, the Indian economy should return to a strong growth trajectory by the end of 2013-14 backed by solid fundamentals," he added.
Monday, February 25, 2013
Housing prices have increased in 18 major cities, including Delhi and Mumbai, by up to 9.6 per cent during October-December 2012 over the previous quarter due to rise in input cost and limited fresh supply, National Housing Bank said today.
Mumbai and Delhi witnessed the maximum increase in housing price at 9.6 per cent each. Out of 20 cities tracked by NHB 'RESIDEX', prices have dropped in only two cities -- Faridabad and Indore. "In majority of the cities prices are witnessing upward trend," NHB said in a statement. "The movement in prices of residential properties has shown increasing trend in 18 cities ranging from 0.6 per cent in Chennai to 9.6 per cent in Delhi & Mumbai, and fall in only two cities namely Indore (-1.0 per cent) and Faridabad (-5.1 per cent) in the quarter October-December 2012 in comparison to the previous quarter July-September 2012," it added. Prices have shot up by 9.4 per cent each in Kolkata and Patna, followed by Kochi (8.8 per cent), Surat (8.7 per cent), Bengaluru (8.2 per cent) and Lucknow (8 per cent). Hyderabad saw an appreciation in housing price by 7.1 per cent, while in Ludhiana rates rose by 6.5 per cent, Ahmedabad (6.1 per cent), Guwahati (5.1 per cent), Bhopal (4.9 per cent), Bhubaneshwar and Jaipur (2.4 per cent), Vijayawada (2.2 per cent), Pune (2 per cent) and Chennai (0.6 per cent). When contacted, NHB Chairman and Managing Director R V Verma said: "Prices have increased because of limited fresh supply and rise in input cost like labour, steel and cement". "New launches have been very limited in these cities and there is a high demand for existing inventory," he said, and expected a similar trend in the present quarter as builders are unlikely to cut prices. NHB RESIDEX tracks the movement in prices of residential properties on a quarterly basis since 2007. The index for Delhi includes property transactions of Gurgaon, Noida, Greater Noida and Ghaziabad.
Google is the most trusted online brand in the country, with Facebook coming in at number two, says a study by Brand Trust Advisory. Yahoo has emerged as the second-most trusted search engine after Google, says the report. The survey was conducted in 16 cities, taking into consideration 19,000 unique brands across 211 categories, Trust Research Advisory chief executive N Chandramouli said. Social networking sites are gaining popularity, with Orkut and Twitter ranking fourth and sixth respectively overall. "Google's Orkut, steadied at fourth rank despite a significant fall in daily visitors from here. Facebook has ranked first in the sub-category of social networking," he said. The fifth slot has gone to shopping portal eBay, which tops in the list of e-commerce brands followed by AOL, Amazon, Ibibo and YouTube, which ranks ninth, leads the sub-category of online sharing portals, while Naukri managee the 24th position overall.
Spelling more trouble for beleaguered Kingfisher Airlines, Government today announced withdrawal of all domestic and international flying slots of the grounded carrier with immediate effect and decided to allot them to other Indian airlines. "These traffic rights have been withdrawn from Kingfisher Airlines on account of non-utilisation by the airline. It used to have as many as 126 flying slots for international flights to eight countries which have now been withdrawn," a Civil Aviation Ministry official said.
Flying or airport slots are rights allocated to a scheduled airline by an airport operator or government agency, granting the slot owner the right to schedule a landing or departure during a specific time period. The withdrawal of these slots would make available approximately 25,000 seats per week for use by other Indian carriers to these eight countries, some of which are much in demand by Kingfisher's Indian competitors, the official said. Keeping this in mind, the Ministry has decided to allot the international slots, which are decided by the bilateral air services agreement between India and these countries. The countries to which Kingfisher used to operate are the UK (seven flights each week), the UAE (21 flights per week), Thailand (21 flights), Nepal (seven), Bangladesh (14), Sri Lanka (35), Hong Kong (14) and Singapore (seven). "These traffic rights were allocated to Kingfisher between 2008 and 2011," the official said. Similarly, the government also decided to withdraw the domestic slots which were allocated to Kingfisher at different airports across the country to mount domestic flights, he said, adding that the Airports Authority of India (AAI) has been directed to make these slots available to other domestic carriers as per their demand. When contacted, a Kingfisher spokesperson declined to comment on the development.In October last year, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) had temporarily suspended the Scheduled Operator Permit (SOP) or flying permit of the Vijay Mallya- promoted carrier following a strike by its pilots and engineers over non-payment of salaries for several months that completely grounded its fleet. The SOP then expired on December 31. A week before this, the beleaguered airline submitted an interim revival plan to the aviation regulator to resume limited operations. But the DGCA was not happy with the plan. It sought more information on the funding and payment of dues and decided not to allow the airlines to take to air till it met a series of conditions, including payment of dues to its employees and various service providers like airport operators. Failing to provide any credible input, Kingfisher's lenders -- a consortium of banks -- also decided earlier this month to start the process of recovering Rs 7,500 crore outstanding loans from the grounded airline.

The mobile industry will invest USD 1.1 trillion by 2017 and the ecosystem around it is expected to employ 10 million people globally, said a report released by global industry body GSM Association said. "For the period through 2017, the mobile industry will invest USD 1.1 trillion in capital expenditure and will contribute USD 2.6 trillion to public funding. Importantly, in 2017, companies across the ecosystem will employ nearly 10 million people globally," 'The Mobile Economy 2013' report prepared Developed by GSMA and consulting major A.T. Kearney said. The report said revenue from total mobile ecosystem revenues reached USD 1.6 trillion -- around 2.2 per cent of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). "To fully realise this future and to enable the mobile industry to maximise its investments, it is essential that we establish a light-touch regulatory environment, based predominantly on competition, and develop new business models that will allow all ecosystem participants to benefit from the mobile economy," GSMA Director General Anne Bouverot said. The report said it expects a further 700 million subscribers will be added by 2017 and the 4 billion-subscriber milestone will be reached in 2018 across the globe. At the end of 2012, there were 6.8 billion mobile connections worldwide and the study expects it to grow to 9.7 billion by the end of 2017. High speed internet on mobile phone accounted for 1.6 billion of these connections in 2012, increasing to 5.1 billion in 2017, including 920 million LTE connections, the report said. Mobile subscriber penetration globally stood at 45 per cent while mobile connection penetration is currently 94 per cent. As per GSM Association Wireless Intelligence, the variance between the number of mobile subscribers and the number of mobile connections is related to multiple SIM ownership as well as inactive SIMs.
Facebook builds 'cold storage' archive for old photos Los Angeles, Feb 25 (PTI) Facebook is building a vast new "cold storage" facility in the US to archive all the messages, photos and other postings that its over billion users do not need every day but want to retain for future reference. A 16,000-square-foot data centre under construction in Prineville, Oregon, is designed to provide a more efficient home for older and less popular material. The new cold storage facility will join two existing data centres in Prineville, The Oregonian reported. Facebook knows you might want to see your old photos again someday. Or scroll back through your Timeline to revisit your posts as an online diary. But storing all those pictures and keeping them immediately available takes a lot of space. Not in the physical sense, but in the virtual. That means lots of hard drives, lots of storage and lots of energy. So Facebook is preparing to try out a more efficient storage system at its Prineville "cold storage", for those archival posts that people don't need every day, but that they don't want to lose altogether. Facebook says 82 per cent of its traffic is focused on just 8 per cent of its photos. Its cold storage facility is designed to create a more efficient way to store those photos that are not in heavy rotation. The cold storage building is just a skeletal frame now, and a concrete pad. Facebook hopes to have the first of three phases up and running soon. Each of the three 16,000-square-foot data hubs could hold an exabyte of data, equivalent to 1 million hard drives inside a contemporary personal computer. The tens of thousands of servers inside the two existing buildings are always on, ready to deliver your pictures and musings to your Facebook friends around the world. By contrast, most of the computers in the new cold storage facility will be asleep. A few will be alert, awaiting a request for old material and ready to summon the slumbering computers to provide their data. This material won't reach your computer as quickly as something posted just a few hours ago, but Facebook says it won't take long.
BLACKBERRY Z10 @ Rs.43,490
Sunday, February 24, 2013
Overseas investors have poured in more than USD 4 billion into Indian equities in February, taking the investment tally to USD 8.4 billion for calendar year 2013 so far. Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) infused a net amount of USD 4.31 billion (about Rs 23,035 crore) in Indian equities in February so far, taking the total for the year to USD 8.4 billion (Rs 45,094 crore). Market analysts attributed strong FII inflows to signs of RBI easing interest rates and the subsequent impact of improved liquidity position. Additionally, a slew of measures taken by the government, including the postponement of GAAR (General Anti Avoidance Rules) implementation by two years to April 1, 2016 and partial decontrol in diesel prices, have also attracted foreign investors. During February 1-22, FIIs were gross buyers of shares worth Rs 65,941 crore, while they sold equities amounting to Rs 42,906 crore, translating into a net investment of Rs 23,035 crore (USD 4.31 billion), as per Sebi data. Foreign fund houses also infused Rs 2,242 crore (USD 415 million) in the debt market in February. This takes the overall net investments by FIIs into debt markets to Rs 25,278 crore (USD 4.73 million) so far this calendar year. "FIIs have been betting high on Indian equities for the last six-seven months and reform measures taken by the government has further boosted the sentiment," Wellindia Executive Director Hemant Mamtani said. "Besides, FIIs have been infusing money into the Indian market on account of change in RBI's monetary policy that have added liquidity to the system. This liquidity will help in growth of the country," he added. FIIs bought equities worth USD 24.4 billion in 2012, about USD 5 billion below record purchases two years ago. As on February 22, the number of registered FIIs in the country stood at 1,756 and total number of sub-accounts was 6,345.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Close on the heels of ordering attachment of bank accounts, investments and all other assets of two Sahara group firms and their promoters, including group chief Subrata Roy, market watchdog Sebi today cautioned the investors and general public against transacting with these companies and persons. "Anyone transacting with them (Sahara India Real Estate Corp Ltd, Sahara Housing Investment Corp Ltd and their three promoters and directors) would be doing so at their own peril," the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said. The regulator said that in furtherance to a Supreme Court order directing refund of investors' money collected by these Sahara firms, it has ordered "attachment of all moveable and immoveable properties, bank accounts and demat accounts of these two companies and that of its promoters and directors namely Subrata Roy Sahara, Vandana Bhargava, Ashok Roy Choudhary and Ravi Shankar Dubey". "Investors and general public are advised to exercise caution and take note of the said orders before transacting with the aforesaid entities/persons in any manner whatsoever," Sebi said in a public notice. On February 13, Sebi passed two separate orders, together running into 160 pages, directing attachment of properties and freezing of accounts. It was after the Supreme Court said that the regulator was free to freeze the accounts and attach properties if Sahara firms were not complying with the apex court's earlier orders of August 2012 towards refund of investors' money totalling over Rs 24,000 crore. The assets ordered to be attached included those related to the group's Aambey Valley resort town near Pune, other real estate assets in Delhi, Mumbai and at other places across the country, shares, mutual funds and various other investments. Passing the attachment orders, Sebi said that the two companies had raised Rs 6,380 crore and Rs 19,400 crore, respectively from bondholders and "various illegalities" were committed in raising of these funds. With regard to Subrata Roy and three other directors, namely Vandana Bhargava, Ravi Shanker Dubey and Ashok Roy Choudhary, Sebi ordered freezing of all bank and demat accounts of these four persons, as also attachment of all moveable and immoveable properties in their name with immediate effect. Subsequently, the Sahara Group claimed that the actions taken by Sebi were based on "old facts" and the orders for attaching assets of individuals is incorrect on part of the market regulator. It also said that it has already deposited with Sebi an amount of Rs 5,120 crore that was in excess of its total liability towards refund to investors.


Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
In the first announcement since the FDI policy for aviation was liberalised, Malaysian carrier AirAsia today said it has sought government's nod to launch a new Indian airline and has set up a joint venture with Tata Group, as well as an investment firm for the purpose. The budget carrier Air Asia Berhad said its investment arm AirAsia Investment (AAIL) "has submitted an application to the Foreign Investment Promotion Board (FIPB) to seek approval for AAIL to invest 49 per cent in a proposed joint venture with Tata Sons and Arun Bhatia of Telestra Tradeplace". The news comes two months after Air Asia denied it was bidding for a stake in no-frills carrier SpiceJet. "Subject to FIPB approval, the proposed joint venture company will make an application to Indian aviation regulators for the Air Operators Permit," the Malaysian carrier said in a statement from its headquarters in Sepang. The joint venture plans to operate from Chennai and will focus on providing domestic connectivity to Tier-II and Tier-III cities, it said. AirAsia, through its operations based in Thailand and Malaysia, flies to Chennai, Bangalore, Kochi, Tiruchirappalli and Kolkata from several destinations in the ASEAN region. While AirAsia will hold 49 per cent stake in the JV, the Tata Group will hold 30 per cent and Hindustan Aviation of the Bhatias - 21 per cent, said sources, requesting anonymity. The three parties signed the partnership agreement and submitted the proposal to the Indian government earlier this week, they said. This will mark the return of Tata to aviation. State- owned Air India had grown out of Tata Airlines, which began flights in 1932.
Air India was founded by J. R. D. Tata in July 1932 as Tata Airlines, a division of Tata Sons Ltd. (now Tata Group). On 15 October 1932, J. R. D. Tata flew a single-engined De Havilland Puss Moth carrying air mail (postal mail of Imperial Airways) from Karachi’s Drigh Road Aerodrome to Bombay’s Juhu Airstrip via Ahmedabad. The aircraft continued to Madras via Bellary piloted by former Royal Air Force pilot Nevill Vintcent. In 1932 Air India was based out of a hut with a palm thatched roof at Juhu Aerodrome and had 1 pilot and 2 apprentice mechanics along with 2 piston engined aircraft, one Puss Moth and one Leopard Moth aircraft. Post-war expansion Following the end of World War II, regular commercial service was restored in India and Tata Airlines became a public limited company on 29 July 1946 under the name Air India. In 1948, after the independence of India, 49% of the airline was acquired by the Government of India, with an option to purchase an additional 2%.In return, the airline was granted status to operate international services from India as the designated flag carrier under the name Air India International.
On 8 June 1948, a Lockheed Constellation L-749A named Malabar Princess (registered VT-CQP) took off from Bombay bound for London Heathrow via Cairo and Geneva. This marked the airline’s first long-haul international flight, soon followed by service in 1950 to Nairobi via Aden. On 25 August 1953, the Government of India exercised its option to purchase a majority stake in the carrier and Air India International Limited was born as one of the fruits of the Air Corporations Act that nationalised the air transportation industry. At the same time all domestic services were transferred to Indian Airlines (now renamed as Indian). In 1954, the airline took delivery of its first L-1049 Super Constellations and inaugurated services to Bangkok, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Singapore.
Air India International entered the jet age in 1960 when its first Boeing 707-420, named Gauri Shankar (registered VT-DJJ), was delivered. Jet services to New York City via London were inaugurated that same year on 14 May 1960. On 8 June 1962, the airline’s name was officially truncated to Air India. On 11 June 1962, Air India became the world’s first all-jet airline. In 1971, the airline took delivery of its first Boeing 747-200B named Emperor Ashoka (registered VT-EBD). This coincided with the introduction of the ‘Palace In The Sky’ livery and branding. A feature of this livery is the paintwork around each aircraft window, in the cusped arch style of windows in Indian palaces. In 1986 Air India took delivery of the Airbus A310-300; the airline is the largest operator of this type in passenger service. In 1988, Air India took delivery of two Boeing 747-300Ms in mixed passenger-cargo configuration. Early 1990s In 1993, Air India took delivery of the flagship of its fleet when the first Boeing 747-400 named Konark (registered VT-ESM) made history by operating the first non-stop flight between New York City and Delhi.In 1994 the airline was registered as Air India Ltd. In 1996, the airline inaugurated service to its second US gateway at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago. In 1999, the airline opened its dedicated Terminal 2-C at the renamed Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport in Mumbai. 2000 – present In 2000, Air India introduced services to Shanghai and to its third US gateway at Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark. In May 2004, Air India launched a wholly owned low cost airline called Air-India Express.

Noted auto designer Dilip Chhabria's state of the-art bus with luxurious reclining seats for nine people, facilities like on-board spa with trained therapists, galley to serve hot and cold food and beverages, wi-fi enabled entertainment sysytem and a washroom, will flag off from New Delhi in two weeks. Popular Indian CV maker Ashok Leyland Ltd and Toofles Foundation launched the new Ashok Leyland Luxura Magical India Bus, which is said to be a unique concept being introduced for the first time in the country. Chhabria whose company had created the first prototype for the Aston Martin Vanquish that appeared in the James Bond movie 'Die Another Day' has also designed vanity vans for Bollywood stars such as Sanjay Dutt, Shah Rukh Khan. "The amazing luxury bus has been modelled on the lines of a private jet. It is proven beyond doubt, if you are able to offer luxury, entertainment much cheaper than a private jet, I'm sure it will multiply as people would come to know," said Chhabria. Except unfriendly "uplands" the bus is available for charter for any location for a day or for an overnight trip to Agra, Jaipur, Neemrana or any of the numerous travel destinations in and around Delhi. Tariffs for the bus have been designed according to market standards and to charter a bus from Delhi to Agra and return by evening would cost Rs 65,000.
Mann Travels, with a fleet of over 250 cars in Delhi, are the operating partners of the project which has two charity charity partners along with Park Hotels, which is providing hospitality. The Luxura Bus will be contributing 50 per cent of the chartered fee to charity partners, 'Goonj' and Chennai-based Cancer Institute. "People have to come and see the sufferings of the family in the Cancer Institute, its good to receive a bit of cut from extravagant expenditure for a humanitarian cause," said Dr Sharma of the Cancer Institute who was present at the inauguration yesterday. 'Goonj', an organisation that highlights clothing as a basic but unaddressed need in the country channelises over 1000 tonnes of clothing every year to 21 states. "We have been operating with expertise in the field of tours and travels, I wanted to grab the opportunity to operate this project because of the social angle, where we can give for a noble cause," says Paramjeet Mann of the Mann Travels. Madhabi Puri Buch, the founder of Toofles Foundation says they have only one Luxura bus as of now but have plans to increase their numbers. "We have already five family bookings, for later this month, we envisage more family bookings, business trips and exclusive foreign guests," Madhabi adds.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Kolkata has maximum borrowers in 35 plus yrs bracket

Monday, February 18, 2013



Sunday, February 17, 2013


Demand for Gold Dental fillings dips

Friday, February 15, 2013
India will have to pursue domestic policy initiatives to help achieve any near-term improvement in its current account deficit as global growth may only be slightly better in 2013 and commodity prices are unlikely to ease sharply, Moody's Investor Service said.
While recent government moves to cut subsidies and woo foreign investment would help narrow the external deficit, these policies need to be persisted for any significant success, it said in a note dated February 14, issued just two weeks before India's annual budget on February 28.
India posted its second highest ever monthly trade deficit of $20 billion in January as imports surged to record highs, piling pressure on a widening current account deficit and limiting scope for the central bank to cut interest rates for an economy expanding at its slowest pace in a decade.
The current account deficit hit an all-time high of 5.4 percent of gross domestic product in July-September due to slowing exports and heavy oil and gold imports. The gap is expected to widen further in the subsequent quarter, data for which is due in March.
Moody's said it would be watching the assumptions underlying India's budget deficit target for the new fiscal year that begins on April 1, as well as the expenditure and revenue policies announced in order to meet that goal.
"Policies that trigger private investment and curb inflationary pressures in the near term are more likely to help narrow the account deficit," it said.
"Deficit targets based on an assumption of accelerating growth rates are more likely to be missed, leading to higher government borrowing requirements and likely inflationary pressure, both of which have negative implications."
The rating agency will also monitor whether the policy changes shift the composition of current account financing in favour of foreign direct investment, or whether external debt inflows accelerate faster than investment flows.
"If funding for the current account deficit shifted away from external debt and towards foreign direct investment, the sovereign credit profile would benefit," it said.
Thursday, February 14, 2013

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fo r April 25, 2019 Closing Subdued Tithi : Chaitra Krishna Saptemi Nakshatra : Poorvashadha Persons born in Mrigasira, ...
fo r AUGUST 07 , 2019 Second Half Subdued Tithi : Sravana Sukla Saptami Nakshatra : Swathi Persons born in Krittika, Uttara,...
Stock Market created a Sunami on Monday as exit polls predicted NDA Government under Prime Minister Naredra Modi will get another term ...