Wednesday, February 27, 2019


for February 28, 2019
Generally Subdued

Tithi :  Magha Bahula Dasami
Nakshatra :  Moola                        
Persons born in   Ashwini, Makha, Moola and in Scorpio, Pisces  are advised to be alert in their dealings.   
NIFTY : 10,806.65  (-28.65)  
Sensitive/Trend change Timings : 1.50
Likely Intraday Trend... 
On the basis of planetary position and aspects amongst planets, Market is expected to  Open Steady   from  Opening till about 10.15 AM  and remain Subduedæþthereafter  till about  2.25PM  and remain Steady   thereafter till about end of the day.
Astro Technical Trading Strategy for the day...
If Nifty fut trades  Subdued  than   ATP after 10.15  Short  Positions can be taken with suitable SL and Such positions can be closed by about  2.15.  
Technical Levels... 
Resistance :   10845, 10880       Supports :    1076510730  
IF resistance levels are achieved in the forenoon session, buying may be avoided at higher levels and risky traders can consider short positon for a pull back to Bullish trigger level. IF Support levels are achieved in the forenoon session, selling may be avoided at lower levels and risky traders can consider buying for a pull back upto  Bearish trigger level / other support levels.
Intraday trend given above is relative and based purely on the basis of planetary positions/aspects and needs to be understood and astrological portion given above should be considered together and applied for taking proper trading decisions. 

Disclaimer : Intraday trading is risky and Astro guidance is to be  depending on intraday movements . applied depending on the real time market movement.  used as an additional tool in addition to technicals and adapted  Technical portion. Loss / Gain in market depends on
Individual natal chart.  Creator only knows what is going to happen  and astrologer can only indicate what is likely to happen. Investment  decisions made on the above analysis would be at your own risk and I take no responsibility for your decisions based on the above analysis.'

Trade only with stop loss..

Stay Disciplined for Successful Trading and Investing..

Sunday, February 24, 2019


Bearish below 10850
for the week between  25-02-2019 to 01-03-2019
NIFTY :  10,792 (+68)     
Nifty traded in  a range of  10809 to 10586 during last week and closed nearer to the High of the range for the week @ 10792 with a Gain of about 68  Points and made Positive weekly close. 
-Nifty during the transited period between Aquarius and Pisces it had made a range of 10925 to 11118. If the high is crossed it is considered Bullish and break the Low it would be considered Bearish.  Low of  this range was breached this week and went down upto 10586.   
- 20 DMA, 50DMA, 100DMA, 200 DMAs are placed at about 10808, 10823, 10680, 10861  respectively and would act as Supports and Resistances.   
  Nifty again only above 100 DMA and below all other DMAs. 50 DMA has come below 200 DMA (Death  Cross) suggesting that the Long term outlook has become  Bearish. 
 The index became bearish in Short Term, Medium Term and Long Term outlooks. Short Term would be Bullish  if it closes above 10900 by the  Weekend.  
Technical Levesl...
Breakout level : 10950        Breakdown level : 10650  
Bullish above 10865 with Resistance at 10940, 11015         
Bearish below 10715  with Supports at 10640, 10565
Advice for Traders...
Weekly Open level is very important for the entire week. Long  positions may be considered  as long as it maintains above the Weekly open level.
Planetary Position...
Moon would be transiting  from Visakha 2nd Pada  in Libra to Poorvashadha 2nd Pada in Sagittarius.
Sun transits from Satabhisham 2nd to 3rd Padda in  Aquarius. 
Mercury  transits  from Poorvabhadra 4th Pada to Uttarabhadra 1st Pada in Pisces.  
Venus  transits from Uttarashadha 2nd to 3rd Pada in Capricorn.  
- Mars transits from Aswini 4th to Bharani 1st Pada in Aries.
Saturn transits in Poorvashadha 3rd Pada in Sagittarius and moves in Libra Navamsa.
Jupiter transits in Jyestha 3rd Pada in Scorpio and  transits Pisces Navamsa.
- Rahu transits in Punarvasu 4th Pada in Cancer and Ketu transits in Uttarashadha 2nd Pada in Capricorn.
Volatile Movements (for Monday)
 Tithi :  Magha Bahula Saptami
Nakshatra :  Visakha                            
Persons born in   Ashwini, Makha, Moola and in Scorpio, Pisces  are advised to be alert in their dealings.   
NIFTY : 10,789.85  (+54.40)  
Sensitive/Trend change Timings : 9.57
Likely Intraday Trend... 
On the basis of planetary position and aspects amongst planets, Market is expected to Open Better  from  Opening till about 10.15 AM and remain Subdued thereafter  till about 12.00PM  and remain Better thereafter till about 2.15 PM and could remain Subdued thereafter towards end  of the day. 
Astro Technical Trading Strategy for the day...
If Nifty fut trades  Better  than  ATP after  10.15 AM  Short Positions can be taken with suitable SL and Such positions can be closed by about  12.00 PM. If Nifty Fut trades Higher  than ATP by about 12.30 PM Long Positions can be taken with suitable SL, and such positions can be closed by about 2.15 PM.
Technical Levels... 
Resistance :   10830, 10865       Supports :    1075010715   
IF resistance levels are achieved in the forenoon session, buying may be avoided at higher levels and risky traders can consider short positon for a pull back to Bullish trigger level. IF Support levels are achieved in the forenoon session, selling may be avoided at lower levels and risky traders can consider buying for a pull back upto  Bearish trigger level / other support levels.
Intraday trend given above is relative and based purely on the basis of planetary positions/aspects and needs to be understood and astrological portion given above should be considered together and applied for taking proper trading decisions. 

Disclaimer : Intraday trading is risky and Astro guidance is to be  depending on intraday movements . applied depending on the real time market movement.  used as an additional tool in addition to technicals and adapted  Technical portion. Loss / Gain in market depends on
Individual natal chart.  Creator only knows what is going to happen  and astrologer can only indicate what is likely to happen. Investment  decisions made on the above analysis would be at your own risk and I take no responsibility for your decisions based on the above analysis.'

Trade only with stop loss..

Stay Disciplined for Successful Trading and Investing..

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